Cosmetic Dentistry Options: How To Improve Your Smile

If you have missing teeth and are looking for the best and most affordable methods of tooth replacement, there are several options available to you. 

Conventional options include dentures, dental bridges, and dental implants, and these traditional methods all vary in terms of pricing, stability, and comfort. Conventional methods also vary when it comes to how your final results look and function, and learning more about these methods can make it easier for you to understand which methods you might want to avoid.

Alternatively, if you are not missing teeth but you are still unhappy with your smile and are seeking out some form of cosmetic dentistry in order to enjoy the smile of your dreams, there are plenty of cosmetic dental procedures to get you your smile makeover, but these come with a price that may not meet your budget. Braces (whether clear aligners like Invisalign or traditional metal framework), teeth whitening procedures like bleach, porcelain veneers, and gum line reshaping and tissue contouring procedures are all expensive popular cosmetic dentistry procedures that may not give you permanent results. 

While some conventional methods of replacing missing teeth are somewhat affordable, like dentures, these methods also tend to offer less stability and require more effort when it comes to upkeep and cleaning. 

Alternatively, other methods, like dental implants, are very expensive but may offer more long lasting results without the same hassle of conventional dentures. 

If you want a method of tooth replacement that gives you the smile of your dreams without the high costs or upkeep, Stabili-Teeth™ may be the perfect solution for you with stunning same day results at half the price. 

What Are My Options If I Want To Replace My Missing Teeth? How Do These Options Differ?

If you have missing teeth you are looking to alter or improve your smile, there are several different conventional options available to you, all of which have varying prices, results, and durability. 

Conventional Dentures

Dentures are one method of tooth replacement that has long been used, and while dentures may have been a favored method in the past, they are no longer considered to be an ideal choice. 

Both complete dentures and partial dentures are available. With a complete denture, any remaining teeth you have will be extracted, and then your denture will be fitted once your mouth has healed. This means that you may be left without functional teeth during the healing process, which is not ideal if you want fast results. Alternatively, a partial denture only alters one arch of your teeth, and a partial denture can either be made fixed or removable. 

Dentures entail a plastic base that matches the color of your gum, and this base has replacement teeth attached to it. Dentures are considered to be a more affordable option when it comes to replacing teeth, but they generally need to be replaced every few years because they are very prone to breakage and damage. Additionally, dentures require meticulous cleaning and care in order to keep them in good condition. 

Conventional Dental Bridges

Fixed dental bridges are another option, and this method of tooth replacement works to fill the gaps in your mouth where you have missing teeth. Fixed bridges are bonded or cemented into place in your mouth, and thus may offer more stability than dentures, but they also require the teeth adjacent to your missing teeth to be prepared. 

Usually, this preparation entails either grinding the teeth down or placing caps or dental crowns on them so that your bridge can be secured properly, and thus this method is not ideal if your remaining teeth are in good condition, especially if they’re free of cracks, stains, or chipping, and you do not want to damage them. 

Fixed dental bridges may also be somewhat difficult to clean adequately even with the best toothpaste, and though they are more affordable than conventional dental implants, they still do not offer long lasting stability. 

Conventional Dental Implants

Dental implants are largely considered to be one of the most successful methods of replacing teeth when it comes to durability and comfort, but they are also the most expensive method of replacing teeth, even if you opt for implant-supported dentures or bridges as opposed to a full mouth of dental implants. 

One single dental implant will generally cost several thousand dollars, ranging from around $3,500 to $6,700, which means that if you are hoping to have several teeth replaced, the cost can add up very quickly. 

Dental implants are small metal posts that are surgically placed into your jaw by a dental professional with this specialty, and once your mouth heals from this procedure, prosthetic replacement teeth will be attached to the implants. 

In order to get dental implants, you need to have enough natural jawbone even if you have tooth decay in your natural tooth, and if your jawbone is insufficient you will likely need to undergo an extra bone grafting procedure. However, dental implants do offer a realistic appearance and functionality. 

While traditional dentures, dental bridges, and dental implants are options for replacing missing teeth, each comes with their own downfalls, whether it’s price, durability, or appearance. Stabili-Teeth™ will restore your function and your smile for half the price of other procedures, without the disadvantages of these traditional methods.

What If I Do Not Have Missing Teeth? How Can I Improve My Smile?

If you do not have missing teeth but you are still looking for ways to improve your smile, there are a few different methods you may want to explore depending on what your needs are. These methods vary in terms of price and longevity of results because of factors such as whether or not you need to see a specialty cosmetic dentist or if things like dental fillings or tooth root repair are needed.

If you have discoloration in your teeth and are hoping for a whiter smile, you can undergo a tooth whitening procedure in your dentist’s office, sometimes as easy as using a professional grade whitening tray after your teeth cleaning. However, these procedures can cost as much as $1,800, and they only offer temporary results, meaning that you may need to go in repeatedly in order to maintain your white teeth. 

If your teeth are crooked or damaged and you are looking for ways to straighten your smile or are unhappy with the size or shape of your teeth, braces and dental veneers are two more options. With braces, pressure is placed onto certain teeth in order to cause them to shift and change the appearance of your smile. 

However, braces are generally a long process that takes time to give you results, and they generally cost several thousand dollars. Braces are also not a permanent solution, as your teeth tend to naturally shift over time and will likely continue to shift once your braces are removed. 

When it comes to veneers, these are thin, tooth-colored covers that get placed over your existing teeth in order to change the size or shape of your teeth, hide gaps between teeth, cover surface flaws, or change tooth color. 

However, the process of getting veneers is irreversible because the teeth in question need to be prepared before your veneers are placed, generally by having small amounts of enamel removed from them in order to make space for the veneers to be fitted onto them. Veneers can cost up to $2,500 for one single tooth, making them a pricey choice if you want to have multiple teeth altered in order to improve your entire smile. 

All of these cosmetic dentistry options offer varying results when it comes to the improvements they can make to your smile, but if these methods, and conventional methods of replacing teeth, are not meeting your needs because of your budget, the current condition of your teeth, or the durability you desire, there may still be a solution. 

Stabili-Teeth™ gives you beautiful, functional teeth at a price that won’t break the bank. Instead of resorting to cosmetic procedures that cause irreversible damage to your teeth and put a dent in your bank account, discover our affordable, same-day alternative to fixed detachable procedures. 

Same Day, Lower Cost Solution

Stabili-Teeth™ was created as an alternative to fixed detachables (as in Clear Choice or All-on-Four). While Fixed Detachables work great, the cost remains very high. Stabili-Teeth™ provides the same, proven clinical results as Fixed Detachables, but at half the price. 

Stabili-Teeth™ builds off of the concepts that have been successful and improve upon the aspects of a fixed detachable that have failed in the past by creating a cost effective way to return functionality and beauty to your teeth. 

Stabili-Teeth™ is a modern and affordable way to improve your smile and bring joy back into your life. With an all-inclusive price of $12,500 for one arch or $21,500 for full-mouth restoration, Stabili-Teeth™ brings you the smile of your dreams without the hassle of high costs. If you’ve been missing the foods you onced loved like popcorn, steak, or sticky candies, let Stabili-Teeth™ be the solution of your dreams.

The Bottom Line

When it comes to improving your smile, the options available to you vary slightly depending on what your needs and desires are. If you are looking to have missing teeth replaced, conventional options like dentures, bridges, and implants all vary in cost and stability, and the more affordable options are less secure, while more stable options come with very high costs. 

Alternatively, methods of altering your tooth color or positioning, like braces, veneers, and tooth whitening procedures, only bring you temporary results, or are irreversible without offering the kind of stability or pricing you are looking for. 

Stabili-Teeth™ is the only option that provides gorgeous clinical results at half the cost of traditional methods. You can smile wide knowing that Stabili-Teeth™ is here to save the day. 


Tooth Replacement Options | ADA Patient Smart

Dental implants: cost, types, and procedure | Authority Dental

Cosmetic Dentistry: Costs for Whitening, Veneers and More | Authority Dental

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