What Are Full Arch Dental Implants? A Complete Guide

Dental implants are small metal posts, usually made of titanium, that get surgically placed into your jawbone so as to replace the root of a missing tooth. Over time, your jawbone grows up and around the implant in order to support it, and once your mouth heals, false teeth are attached to the metal posts in order to fill the gaps in your mouth. 

Dental implants are a modern and highly effective means of replacing missing teeth, but conventional implant procedures can be costly. Implants tend to cost several thousand dollars per tooth, meaning that the prices can add up quickly if you are looking to get multiple teeth replaced. 

Conventional dental implants entail an extensive surgical procedure and a long healing process, and you may be left without functional teeth while your mouth heals. Because of this, traditional implant procedures may not be the most ideal option for you if you are looking for fast and effective results. 

Fortunately, some solutions exist today that incorporate the use of dental implants to support a full arch of teeth. Full arch dental implants tend to be more affordable than traditional implants, and thus may be more realistic if you have a strict budget. Full arch dental implants work to give you the same durability and longevity as conventional implants without the same hassle, and because these methods require fewer implants, you may have an easier time with the healing process as well. 

Stabili-Teeth™ is a lower-cost solution that brings you amazing same-day results, and it incorporates a unique combination of narrow diameter implants and conventional implants for optimal comfort and stability. With Stabili-Teeth™, you have an easier surgical procedure and faster results, all with a 5-year guarantee. 

Learning more about how full arch dental implants work and what you should expect from the process can help you determine the best choice for your needs and priorities. Replacing missing teeth can be a daunting task, but you do have some options, and Stabili-Teeth™ can help you get your life back. 

Understanding Full Mouth or Full Arch Dental Implants

If you are missing a full arch of teeth, or if the remaining teeth in an arch are severely damaged and need to be removed, it can be beneficial to learn more about full arch dental implants so that you know what to expect. 

Technically speaking, you could replace an entire arch of teeth using all individual dental implants, but this could be a very long, painful, and expensive process. Most commonly, full arch restoration with dental implants is done using implant-supported bridges, dentures, or other teeth replacement solutions in order to offer the stability of dental implants with a less extensive surgery. 

Dental implant solutions are a better alternative to conventional dentures or bridges because implants work to replace the roots of missing teeth, and this can help prevent deterioration of the jawbone which often occurs in cases of missing teeth. Full arch dental implants replace the roots of some missing teeth in order to reduce bone loss without having to place an entire row of implants. Once these implants are placed, a bridge or denture can be attached for maximum stability and comfort. 

Whether a bridge or denture is placed will depend on your personal preferences, such as the appearance you are going for, what your budget is, and whether or not you will be willing to maintain extensive upkeep for your replacement teeth. 

What To Expect From a Dental Implant Procedure

Getting dental implants placed can be nerve-wracking when you are not sure what to expect. The dental implant process is typically completed in stages, starting with the extraction of any remaining damaged or infected teeth in the arch. In order for implants to be successful, you need to have an adequate jawbone to support the implants. 

If your dentist determines that your natural bone is insufficient, you may need to undergo an extra bone grafting procedure to add on to your existing bone so that your implants will be properly supported. 

After any necessary tooth extraction or bone grafting has been performed, your implants will be placed into your jaw, following which you will have several weeks of healing time. With conventional implants, you may not have functional teeth during this healing process, but with Stabili-Teeth™, you will be given a set of provisional teeth during this period of time. 

Once your mouth has healed, your final replacement teeth will be attached to your implants. If you are using a bridge or denture, this will be placed into your mouth and secured to the implants. Your jawbone will eventually grow up and around the implants to hold them in place, making dental implants a much more durable and comfortable tooth replacement solution as compared to traditional methods. 

Traditional and Full Arch Implant Costs

Traditional dental implants can be very costly, typically coming in between $1,500 and $6,000 per tooth. If you are looking to get multiple teeth replaced, or an entire arch replaced, the costs can quickly become more than you originally anticipated. Even more, most dental implant solutions have bone grafting procedures that come at an extra cost, which can make your procedure more expensive still. 

Full arch dental implant solutions are generally more affordable than conventional implants, but may still cost $15,000 per arch or up to $40,000 if you want your full mouth to be restored. 

If you want the longevity of dental implant solutions without having to pay the high costs, Stabili-Teeth™ has the solution. Stabili-Teeth™ comes at an all-inclusive price of $12,500 for one arch or $21,500 for full mouth restoration, and the prices include any necessary tooth extractions, bone grafting procedures, and sedation. 

Stabili-Teeth™ was created as an improvement to the traditional overdenture, but it incorporates the use of both narrow diameter and conventional implants in order to offer more comfort, stability, and functionality. Stabili-Teeth™ is not a type of denture, and is instead a modern and streamlined means of achieving realistic appearance and functionality when it comes to replacement teeth. 

With Stabili-Teeth™, you leave the office on your day of surgery with a full set of stabilized teeth, and your final set of prosthetic teeth will be installed after your mouth has finished healing. This ensures that you will never be left without functional teeth, and may make the healing process more comfortable. 

If you are ready to bring joy back into your life today, you can get started with the Stabili-Teeth™ protocol by filling out our free online form. This form asks you to describe the current state of your remaining teeth and overall condition of your mouth so that our dental professionals can accurately assess your needs and candidacy. 

Stabili-Teeth™ can help you achieve the smile of your dreams without the hassle of traditional methods, and if you are looking to get your life back, we are here to help. 

The Bottom Line

Dental implants are largely regarded as one of the most effective and successful methods of tooth replacement, and they entail small metal posts being surgically placed into the jawbone. These posts work to replace the roots of the missing teeth, and in this way, implants can help reduce or prevent jawbone deterioration, which is often seen in cases of missing teeth. Once the mouth heals from this procedure, replacement teeth can be attached to the implants. 

Conventional dental implants can cost up to $40,000 for full mouth restoration and may cost up to $6,000 for one single tooth, which makes a full arch of individual implants unrealistic for most patients. Instead, implant-supported dental solutions such as bridges or dentures are commonly used to replace a full arch of teeth. Even these solutions can cost around $15,000 per arch, and you may be left without functional teeth while your mouth is healing.

Stabili-Teeth™ was created as an alternative to the traditional dentures and fixed detachables like Clear Choice or All-on-Four. Although dentures have their downfalls, they have been proven to only marginally work, and while fixed detachables work great, the cost remains very high.

Stabili-Teeth™ builds off of the concepts that have been successful and improves upon the aspects of a denture that have failed in the past.

Stabili-Teeth™ is a modern, streamlined solution that was developed as an improvement to the overdenture, and it incorporates a unique combination of narrow diameter and conventional implants for an easier surgery and more comfortable healing process. 

With Stabili-Teeth™, you can enjoy same-day results on your day of surgery, and a 5-year guarantee after your final replacement teeth are installed. Stabili-Teeth™ comes at an all-inclusive price of $12,500 for one arch or $21,500 for full-mouth restoration, making it a much more affordable alternative to conventional methods. 

If you want to finally have the smile of your dreams, Stabili-Teeth™ is ready to help. 


​​Dental Implants | American Dental Association

Full Mouth Dental Implants | American Academy of Periodontology 

Dental implant surgery | Mayo Clinic

Dental implants Dental Implants: Costs, Procedures and Types in the US | Dentaly

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