Top 4 New Dental Implant Procedures

If you have missing or damaged teeth that you are looking to get replaced, dental implants are one conventional method that has long been used and has been deemed to be very successful. 

Dental implants are small metal poles, usually made of titanium, that are surgically implanted into your jawbone. Once your mouth heals from this surgical procedure, artificial teeth known as abutments can be attached to each implant in your mouth in order to replace your missing teeth. 

During the healing period before your replacement teeth are attached, your jawbone will grow up and around the implant in order to support it. Because of this, it is important for you to have enough jawbone for your implants to be adequately supported. 

If your dentist deems that your natural bone will not be able to properly support your implants, you may need to undergo an extra procedure known as a bone augmentation procedure, which adds on to your existing bone.

Dental implants are generally very durable and long-lasting, which is what makes them such a popular choice for tooth replacement. 

However, “popular” does not equal “best option” — conventional dental implant procedures tend to be very expensive, costing several thousand dollars per implant. 

This means that if you are missing multiple teeth, the costs can add up very quickly, and this is especially true if you do need to undergo additional procedures like tooth extraction or bone grafting. 

There are several new dental implant procedures that incorporate the use of traditional dental implants but may come at a more affordable price, and having a better understanding of these options can help you make the best choice for your needs while staying in your budget. 

If you want to eat ribeye, chomp that caesar salad, and get your life back with a beautiful smile, Stabili-Teeth™ offers same-day results at a price you can actually afford, kicking competitors to the curb with inexpensive results they just can’t keep up with. 

Conventional Implants: What to Expect

Before discussing some of the newer dental implant procedures, it is important to make sure you understand what the process of placing dental implants of any kind usually entails. 

Conventional dental implant procedures are performed in stages, meaning that it usually takes many separate appointments, and many months, for the process to reach completion. The process begins with a dental consultation so that your dentist can assess the current state of your mouth and teeth, as well as examine your jawbone to confirm whether or not implants are the right choice for you. 

After this, any damaged teeth that you want to be replaced will be extracted by your dentist, and your jawbone will be prepared if necessary. 

While some implant procedures include bone augmentation in the pricing, most do not, and this procedure may come as an extra cost to you. 

Once your teeth have been removed and your jawbone has been prepared, your implants will be surgically placed into your jaw. Following the placement of your implants, you will go through an extensive healing period during which time your jawbone will grow up and around the implants to support them. 

The implants act like the root of a tooth, and once your bone has finished growing around them, and your gums have finished healing, your dentist can then place the abutments and artificial teeth.

With traditional procedures, it is important to keep in mind that during the healing period, you may be left without any functional teeth, and this can be a frightening concept if you need fast and effective results. 

Being left without functional teeth during certain stages of the process can make eating very difficult, and may leave you feeling insecure about your smile. With Stabili-Teeth™, you can enjoy a full set of functional teeth on the same day as your implant placement — easy and simple so you can feel that confidence come back ASAP, no waiting period required. 

Fortunately, many modern alternatives to dental implants exist, and these incorporate the use of implants without the same high costs. 

However, even these new methods can range in price, results, and effectiveness, so learning about each one can help give you a better idea of whether or not certain procedures are right for you. Plus, some procedures will still require some form of bone grafting even though they are not quite the same as conventional implants, and these forms of bone grafting can include jawbone augmentation, sinus lifting, or jaw ridge expansion. Because of this, you should go into these procedures with an open mind pertaining to cost, because these bone grafting procedures might cost you more than you expected.

All-On-4 Dental Implant Procedure

All-On-4 dental implant procedures involve placing just 4 dental implants into the mouth, and then using these four implants to support both upper and lower arches depending on your needs. This procedure is a permanent solution with easy maintenance, but All-On-4 implants can still cost up to $28,000, and this cost generally does not include things like initial consultations or tooth extractions.

 The cost of your All-On-4 implants depends on:

  • The current condition of your mouth

  • The materials used

  • Your specialist’s experience

  • Your location

Depending on these factors, this implant procedure might still cost more than you were hoping, and there is still some risk of failure with this procedure because bone augmentation is not required if you have experienced bone loss. Because of this, the implants may be more likely to fail.

Takeaway: Easy maintenance, but still expensive with hidden costs, and high likelihood of failing. 

Same Day Dental Implants

Same day dental implants are also known as immediate load implants, and this type of implant means that you can get artificial teeth placed on the same day as your surgery in order to prevent you from being left without functional teeth during the healing process. 

However, with same day implants, you may not have the same durability as conventional implants, and immediate load implants may also leave you at a higher risk of experiencing implant failure or poor results. 

Takeaway: Same-day results, but poor results at that with weak durability. 

Mini Dental Implants

Mini dental implants, also known as narrow diameter implants, are smaller in size than conventional implants but can still offer the same durability, longevity, and aesthetics. Mini dental implants are thought to make for an easier and less invasive surgical procedure, which also makes for an easier healing process. 

Mini dental implants may also be an option for patients who cannot get regular implants in certain locations in the mouth, meaning they may allow a larger number of patients to enjoy the benefits of implants. 

Mini dental implants also might not require you to undergo bone grafting procedures, but these implants may work best in combination with conventional implants.

Takeaway: Decent healing process, but an outdated procedure. 

A Modern and Affordable Solution with Stabili-Teeth™

If you want a modern and affordable dental implant solution that gets you fast results at a lower cost, Stabili-Teeth™ has the solution. 

Stabili-Teeth™ was created as an alternative to the traditional dentures and fixed detachables like Clear Choice or All-on-Four. Although dentures have their downfalls, they have been proven to only marginally work, and while fixed detachables work great, the cost remains very high. 

Stabili-Teeth™ builds off of the concepts that have been successful and improve upon the aspects of a denture that have failed in the past.

With Stabili-Teeth™, you can enjoy amazing same day results because a full set of functional replacement teeth can be placed into your mouth on your day of surgery. This set of teeth will stay with you during the healing process, and then your final set of replacement teeth will be placed into your mouth once you have finished healing — but you will keep the provisional set as a backup option. 

With Stabili-Teeth™, the pricing includes sedation, tooth extraction, and bone grafting, meaning you do not have to worry about these essential steps of the process coming at extra costs or with surprise fees. 

Stabili-Teeth™ comes at an all-inclusive price of $12,500 for one arch or $21,500 for full mouth restoration, and with a unique combination of conventional and narrow diameter implants as well as an easier surgery, Stabili-Teeth™ makes for a great alternative to traditional implant procedures as well as other implant methods. 

Stabili-Teeth™ can get you the smile of your dreams without the hassle, and you can get your journey started today by filling out our free online form

The Bottom Line

Dental implants have long been used as a method of tooth replacement, and while conventional implants have great success rates, they tend to come at very high costs and generally require patients to undergo bone grafting procedures if the natural bone is insufficient- and these procedures may come at extra costs. 

There are some new dental implant procedures that may be more affordable, such as All-On-4 implants, immediate load implants, and mini dental implants, but these may still be out of budget or might not offer the fast and stable results you deserve. 

Let’s be honest — these other methods are either undated, unaffordable, or just plain undeserving. Stabili-Teeth™ outdoes them all with same-day results at an affordable and all-inclusive price. 

Get started with Stabili-Teeth™ here!  


Frequently Asked Questions about Dental Implants | American College of Prosthodontists

Dental implant surgery | Mayo Clinic

Types of Implants & Techniques | American Academy of Implant Dentistry

All-on-4 dental implants: pictures & reviews | Authority Dental

Same-Day Dental Implants: Cost, Procedure, and Recovery | Dentaly

Mini Dental Implants: Cost, Reviews, and Procedure | Dentaly

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