Get a Smile Makeover: Treatments, Procedures, and More

Experiencing self-consciousness because of an imperfect smile can take a toll on your confidence overall, but luckily there are plenty of different procedures that can help you get the smile of your dreams. 

Getting a smile makeover can help correct any flaws in your teeth that are worrying you, and they can also replace any missing, damaged, or discolored teeth depending on your needs. 

There are many different approaches you can take when it comes to improving your smile, and the best approach for you will largely depend on your current concerns as well as the current state of your teeth and smile. 

For concerns that pose medical risks, tooth replacement may be the best choice, but if your concerns and insecurities are not medical concerns, cosmetic dentistry may be able to solve your problem. 

Cosmetic dentistry centers around improving the appearance of your smile for looks only, rather than for health or medical reasons. Cosmetic dentistry procedures can be beneficial options for people whose dental imperfections are purely surface-level and do not entail a larger health concern. 

It is important to keep in mind that cosmetic dentistry does not treat oral diseases, and if your concerns are related to an oral disease you are better off seeing a different type of dental specialist. 

However, there are a multitude of dental procedures that can offer cosmetic benefits while still working to help treat oral issues and diseases, meaning you can have the best of both worlds if your needs cross categories. 

Whitening, braces, and veneers are examples of purely cosmetic procedures, while dental implants could be used for both appearance and medical reasons. Understanding all of the different options available to you may help you hone in on your needs and make the most informed decision. 

Ready to skip to the best option? Stabili-Teeth™ was designed to give you the smile you’ve been dreaming of — say goodbye to missing teeth and dentures, all for an affordable price. Click here to learn more about the Stabili-Teeth™ advantage!

Replacing Damaged or Missing Teeth: Understanding Your Options

If your main concerns regarding your smile have to do with damaged or missing teeth, there are several conventional methods of tooth replacement that can improve your smile. Dental implants are one method of replacing damaged or missing teeth, and they consist of small metal poles that are surgically placed into your jawbone such that the bone eventually grows around the implant to support it. 

Because of the way they are placed, it is important for you to have enough bone to support your implants. If your natural bone is insufficient, your dentist may suggest a bone augmentation procedure. 

When your mouth heals from the placement of the implants, your dentist will then place the abutment, or replacement teeth, and dental implants are widely regarded to be one of the most successful methods of tooth replacement because they offer great functionality, durability, and longevity. 

However, conventional implant procedures tend to be very expensive, with a single implant costing several thousand dollars. Even more, traditional implant procedures may leave you without any functional teeth during your healing period, which is not ideal if you want fast results. 

Dental bridges are another conventional option, and they work by filling the gaps in your mouth where you have missing teeth. Bridges consist of several false teeth bonded together, and these false teeth are then bonded or cemented into place in your mouth in order to replace your missing teeth. Generally, the teeth adjacent to where your bridge will be placed will need to be prepared, and your dentist may grind them down or place caps or crowns on them in order to make your bridge more secure.

Because of this, bridges might not be the best choice if your remaining teeth are in good condition and you do not want them to be damaged or altered in order for your current missing teeth to be replaced. 

Dentures work to replace your missing teeth using false teeth attached to a plastic base, and this base is usually colored to match your gums for better aesthetics. 

Dentures have long been used and are generally more affordable than other options, but this method is no longer considered to be ideal because of the fact that it lacks the stability and functionality of other procedures. 

Dentures are also very prone to breakage, and if you break your dentures you may need to have them replaced entirely. Dentures typically need to be replaced every few years regardless, and this might make them more expensive in the long run. 

Both bridges and dentures tend to be more affordable than conventional dental implant procedures, but it is important to keep in mind that they may be lacking when it comes to durability and longevity. Dentures are typically understood as the cheapest way to replace missing teeth, but it is important to weigh the pros and cons of all conventional methods before you make a decision. 

If conventional methods of tooth replacement are leaving you disappointed, Stabili-Teeth™ has your same-day, lower-cost solution. 

Smile Correction Methods: What You Should Know

The aforementioned methods of improving your smile are popular options for patients whose concerns also pose health issues, or for patients who have missing teeth rather than teeth with an unpleasant appearance. 

If your concerns are more cosmetic than medical, cosmetic dentistry options may be worth learning about. Veneers are one option, and this procedure entails a coating being bonded to the surface of your natural teeth in order to correct the appearance of your teeth. This is an option for patients whose teeth are discolored or misshapen but not damaged, and it is critical to maintaining great gum health if you choose to have veneers placed.   

Alternatively, professional teeth whitening procedures may be done if you just want your teeth to be more bright. However, these procedures are temporary solutions, and you may need to alter your lifestyle in order to maintain the results. 

Teeth filing can be used to fix chips in your teeth, or to fix uneven teeth, as long as the chips or breaks are not part of a larger issue. Alignment procedures can also be used if you have tooth gaps that you want to get rid of.

While there are plenty of options when it comes to cosmetic dentistry, one of the biggest downfalls of these methods is that most insurance plans do not cover cosmetic dental procedures, because they have no medical necessity. 

Thus, you may end up paying more than you bargained for if you choose to pursue a solely cosmetic procedure. Cosmetic dentistry can range in price, with veneers costing up to $2,500 per tooth and whitening procedures costing up to $1,000 each time. Some procedures offer more durable results than others, but cosmetic dentistry generally offers only temporary results depending on the situation. 

Same Day Results at a Lower Cost with Stabili-Teeth™</h2>

If you want fast, amazing results at a lower cost, Stabili-Teeth™ is a modern and affordable solution. 

Stabili-Teeth™ was created as an alternative to the traditional dentures and fixed detachables like Clear Choice or All-on-Four. Although dentures have their downfalls, they have been proven to only marginally work, and while fixed detachables work great, the cost remains very high. 

Stabili-Teeth™ builds off of the concepts that have been successful and improve upon the aspects of a denture that have failed in the past.

You can take care of any health issues posed by the current condition of your teeth while also achieving the smile of your dreams. Stabili-Teeth™ was created as an improvement to the overdenture, and it incorporates a unique combination of conventional implants and narrow diameter implants in order to make for an easier surgery as compared to conventional implant procedures. 

With Stabili-Teeth™, you can enjoy the benefits of dental implants without the high costs, and better yet, you can enjoy those benefits on the same day as your surgical implant placement. 

The Stabili-Teeth™ protocol allows for temporary replacement teeth to be placed into your mouth on the same day as your surgery rather than after the healing period, and this ensures that you are never left without functional teeth. 

Stabili-Teeth™ comes at an all-inclusive price of $12,500 for one arch or $21,500 for full-mouth restoration, and if you are ready to bring joy back into your life, Stabili-Teeth™ is here to help.

The Bottom Line

When it comes to improving your smile, there may be many different reasons why you want to get dental work done. If your concerns are purely cosmetic, cosmetic dental procedures like veneers, alignments, or teeth whitening procedures may be enough to bring you results. 

However, these results tend to be temporary, and cosmetic procedures will not address any medical issues posed by the current state of your teeth. Dental implants, bridges, and dentures are common options when it comes to replacing damaged or missing teeth, but these options range in price and durability. 

If you are looking for a modern and affordable solution that addresses medical concerns as well as aesthetics, Stabili-Teeth™ has you covered with same-day results at a lower cost.

Get started with Stabili-Teeth™ here


What is cosmetic dentistry? | Cosmetic Dentistry

Tooth Replacement Options | ADA Patient Smart

Missing Teeth: Causes, Replacement Options, and Costs | Dentaly

Smile Makeover: The Perfect Way to Boost Self-Confidence | Dentaly

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